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contoh kalimat william byrd

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  • A Jigg by William Byrd – alto recorder and guitar
    A Jigg oleh William Byrd - perekam alto dan gitar
  • A Jigg by William Byrd – alto recorder and guitar
    A Jigg ku William Byrd - recorder alto jeung gitar
  • Early English composers in classical music include Renaissance artists Thomas Tallis and William Byrd, followed up by Henry Purcell from the Baroque period.
    Komposer musik klasik Inggris yang paling awal antara lain termasuk seniman Renaisans Thomas Tallis dan William Byrd, diikuti oleh Henry Purcell dari periode Barok.
  • These range from late Renaissance composers such as Thomas Tallis, William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons, through Victorian composers such as Charles Villiers Stanford, Thomas Attwood Walmisley to later masters of the form such as Herbert Murrill and Basil Harwood.
    Mereka merentang dari para komponis akhir Renaisans seperti Thomas Tallis, William Byrd dan Orlando Gibbons, sampai para komponis era Victoria seperti Charles Villiers Stanford, Thomas Attwood Walmisley hingga para empu dari bentuk-bentuk seperti Herbert Murrill, Herbert Howells dan Basil Harwood.
  • Notable composers of classical music from the United Kingdom and the countries that preceded it include William Byrd, Henry Purcell, Sir Edward Elgar, Gustav Holst, Sir Arthur Sullivan (most famous for working with the librettist Sir W. S. Gilbert), Ralph Vaughan Williams and Benjamin Britten, pioneer of modern British opera.
    Komposer musik klasik terkenal dari Britania Raya antara lain William Byrd, Henry Purcell, Sir Edward Elgar, Gustav Holst, Sir Arthur Sullivan (dikenal karena bekerja sama dengan Sir W.S. Gilbert), Ralph Vaughan Williams dan Benjamin Britten (pelopor opera Britania modern).